What Is Health Care?

What is Health? A good question every one have there opinion, but from my point of view health is combination of physically, mentally and socially strongness. It’s means a men that is Physically strong can not be called that he is healthy similarly all the three things must be present in a men that it is called a healthy men.

For physically strongness there are things that have to be done are regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition and also proper rest for physical recovery. And a men is called Mentally strong when he is individual’s emotional and psychological well-being. And socially depends upon the well culture and behavior towards other comes in this.

We can guess about a man is mentally healthy depends upon how effectively and successfully a person functions. Now we take little thing about the Nutrition. Nutrition is science that helps to get the reason that affects to men for their health and performance, such as foods or food components that cause diseases or deteriorate health. Just like the food that the men eating have enough protein and another balance diet just like if we take a food that have too much calories, which have bed effects just like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease would increase other thing that also effects the health is Hygiene.

Hygiene keeps the body clean to prevent infection and illness. There are some rules regarding these just like bathing, brushing and flossing teeth, washing hands. Stress also play there roles in Health a mentally strong people have tolerance to stress. Lot of stress also effect health another factor to keep people healthy is natural health means self-care system of natural therapies concerned with building and restoring health at end a say Health science.

Health Care India: Health science is the science that is focused on health care, and science have many rules or we can call them sub disciplines. Combination of both is called as total health care. There are mainly two approaches to health science one is study and other is research of the human body.

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