Essential Oil of Spikenard – An Ancient Biblical Oil

Spikenard is in the valerian family of essential oils and has many properties similar to Valerian oil, a not so pleasant smelling oil. It is mentioned 5 times in the Scriptures. Here is one of the quotes-

“Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard [spikenard], anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” John 12:3

How Did the Ancient World Use Spikenard?

Ancient peoples used spikenard for perfumes, medicines, skin tonic, incense, and as a mood enhancer. It was considered one of the sacred chrisms for anointing monarchs and high initiates. The Greek and Romans perfumers used it in the preparation of nardinum, one of the most celebrated scented oils of the first century. This was the last oil Jesus received before being arrested and going to the cross.

How Can Our Modern World Use This Oil?

Spikenard is used mainly for regulating the nervous system and the heart. It is helpful for rapid and irregular heartbeat. Its antispasmodic properties aid digestive action and therefore helps nausea, constipation and intestinal colic. It is recommended for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and migraine headaches. It is known for its ability to help allergic skin reactions, and is used for wounds that will not heal. Spikenard calms the heart and settles the emotions. It can be used for nervous tension, anxiety, and insomnia. It acts like valerian in its antidepressant properties. It has a decidedly calming effect that instills a profound sense of peace. Spikenard soothes the deepest anxieties and replaces negative emotions with acceptance and compassion.

What is the Best Way to Apply This Oil?

Spikenard can be applied on location, inhaled, rubbed on the feet, or on the head. I find the fragrance of spikenard, an acquired taste. Many are repelled by it because of its similarity to valerian which smells like dirty socks to a lot of people. Spikenard is non-toxic, non-irritating and non-sensitizing.

Would you like to discover how spikenard is used to heal through the art of aromatherapy? Educational courses can lead to certification as a clinical aromatherapist. The Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy offers these courses and includes information on spikenard.

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Spiritual Healing - The Good Samaritan Showed Compassion by Anointing With an Aromatic Healing Oil

One of the parables that Jesus told about healing was with an aromatic essential oil. More than likely it stunned his audience. It concerned how we are to generously heal one another with healing substances-particularly essential oils. We all are familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan in which […]
Spiritual Healing – The Good Samaritan Showed Compassion by Anointing With an Aromatic Healing Oil

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