Energy Healers Need to Be Marketers to Continue Healing

Every energy healer I know has a passion for facilitating healing in others. Even though they know they’d like to have an income doing what they love, marketing is alien to them. They want to focus on energy healing which results in the delight of being able to help others. There is also the frustration of not attracting abundance to themselves. Energy healers must realize that marketing is the precursor to healing as it attracts to the energy healer the people who desperately need their services.

To Heal Others You Must Attract People to You

Yes, your burning desire is to use the gifts you have to facilitate wholeness in others. Marketing your services may not be something you want to do at all. The problem is you need people to come to you if you are going to be able to help them. Many people in the energy healing field depend upon word of mouth to gain clients. This is wonderful when referrals actually do pick up the telephone and give you a call. The problem is this doesn’t happen often. How many times has a client said, “I told Jennifer to give you a call. Has she done so?” I would hazard a guess that 19 times out of 20 the answer is, “No.”

If you want to continue working in the energy healing field, you need to let people know you are out there. Somehow you must grab your prospective client’s attention and entice them to come to your office. You have to convince them they don’t have to be stuck with their problem because you know exactly what to do to assist them.

Marketing Is About Self-Worth… Yours

Most people working in the alternative medical field are well aware of the mind-body connection. They know the crucial importance of assisting the client to improve their self-esteem. Yet, the large majority of people in this profession have a fear of publicly saying, “I’m here and I can help you.” For some reason, they think that marketing is a negative rather than a positive.

As a therapist who has worked with many energy healers as clients, I can tell you that many are blind to their own lack of self-esteem. They don’t realize that proclaiming the truth about themselves, “I can help you,” is about their own sense of self-worth. If you can’t publicly state who you are and that you can assist those in pain, it’s time for you to find someone who can help you overcome your own blocks.

Marketing yourself allows you to attract more clients so that you can follow your passion… facilitating healing.

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Home Schooling: Educating the Teachers

It’s 5:30 a.m. on a summer day. I should be sleeping like the rest of the world, ensconced in a woolly blanket of certitude that there is no work today, only vacation. But I can’t really sleep. It’s the first day of school, you see. There is an old theory […]

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